Sunday, August 5, 2012

Self-Examination For Idolatry

In our sermon series through the book of Hosea (“The Glorious Good News Of God’s Love In Hosea”) we have discovered just how widespread and dangerous idolatry is. This is not a sin committed only in the Old Testament or only in third world countries where we find actual physical idols erected for worship. It is a problem of every heart.

 Mike Wilkerson, in Redemption: Freed By Jesus From The Idols We Worship And The Wounds We Carry, writes:  “We usually make idols out of good things, even meat and bread, not the obviously bad things like fornication…. The greater the good, the more likely we are to expect it can satisfy our deepest needs and hopes.”

 Because this is true, we have a need to exam our own hearts and lives to root out idolatry. To help with that below I have included five statements that give a full-orbed description of idolatry. Under each statement I have included in bullet point form questions for us to ask. My prayer is that this will take us further in identifying and being freed from our idols. Each of these statements are found in Timothy Keller, Counterfeit Gods: The Empty Promises Of Money, Sex, And Power, And The Only Hope That Matters.
1. Idolatry is “anything more important to you than God.”
  • When I look at my life priorities and how I spend my time, does God take a back seat or is he behind the steering wheel?
  • When I focus upon my relationship with God do I put my hope in my works and goodness, or do I trust in God’s only way of salvation, which is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone?
  • When I think about the well-being of my family, which would be more important to me: making sure they do not miss sports camps and opportunities to make family memories (e.g. weekends at the lake) or worshiping together in our church?
  • What and who are more important to you than God? (Ask God to help you change your heart’s priorities)
2. Idolatry is “anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God.”

  • When I dream about the future and what will make me happy, successful, or fulfilled, does God enter into the picture or are my dreams filled with other things?
  • If you were to complete the statement, “I love ______,” would “God” truly be one of the first words with which you would fill that blank?
  • What and who absorbs my heart and imagination more than God? (Ask God to change your heart that you would love him more than anything or anyone)
3. Idolatry is “anything you seek to give you what only God can give.”
  • When I think about my life, what or whom do I truly believe will bring me success and true happiness—God or something/one else?
  • When I think about my children or grandchildren, what or whom do I truly believe will bring them success and true happiness—God or something/one else?
  • Do I believe that keeping my children busy to stay out of trouble is more important to them than shaping their hearts so they love Christ and love him supremely?
4. Idolatry is “whatever you look at and say in your heart of hearts, ‘If I have that, then I’ll feel my life has meaning, then I’ll know I have value, then I’ll feel significant and secure.’”
  • How do you complete this sentence, “My life would have meaning, value, significance, and security, if I had this….?”
  • Whom or what am I trusting in above God? (Ask God to help you trust in him alone for your salvation, your meaning, your value, and your security)
5. Idolatry is “anything that becomes more fundamental than God to your happiness, meaning in life, and identity.
  • How would you complete this sentence: “My life would be destroyed and meaningless, if this happened…?” (Ask God to grant you grace to look to Christ for your hope and so that you can turn from idols unto the living God)

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