Those who follow the Lord joyfully find delight in
discipline. Whether it is discipline directly at the hand of God, that which
comes by the hand of the church, or self-discipline, we know discipline is
good; it is part of the road to godliness (1 Timothy 4:7).
Recently Burk Parsons captured this truth powerfully in his
article, “The Assurance Of Discipline,” a piece that appeared in the August
2013 issue of TableTalk magazine. Here
is an extended quote from that I believe you will find as helpful as I did.
The older I get,
the more I wish my father had disciplined me more than he did, and the more I
grow in Christ, the more I pray for my heavenly Father’s loving
discipline. When we’re immature we see
discipline as a negative thing, but as we grow we begin to see it as one of the
most enduring blessings of life. [As Proverbs 3:11-12 teaches,] discipline
assures us that we’re loved and cared for. …Those without discipline are
orphans. …Our conversion to Christ is God’s first gracious act of discipline in
our lives—bringing us to repentance and faith in the One who was pierced for
our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities, upon whom was the Father’s ultimate discipline that brought us
peace, and by whose wounds we are healed (Is. 53:5). …As members of the church,
we are all under church discipline in that we have submitted ourselves to the
discipline of the church and attend weekly to the discipline of the preached
Word. The first step of discipline is admonition, and we come each week because
we know how desperately we need to be admonished, to repent of our sins, to
reaffirm our confession of Christ, and to receive Father’s assurance of pardon
and benediction that carries us through the week, reminding us that our loving
Father lifts up the light of his countenance upon us and makes His face to
shine upon us that we might be blessed and kept to live coram deo, before His
smiling face.