Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Grandparenting, Writing, Counseling, And Schedules: Thoughts From Week Three Of My Sabbatical

I am now into week three of my sabbatical and so far it has been a huge gift. Thank you faith family! The first ten days we spent in Wyoming and Colorado with our daughters, sons-in-law, and grandchildren. We made some great memories!

Since we returned I have been working on a writing project that I recently finished and has now been published. It is available on Amazon. I am now working on a second project. Additionally, I started meeting with a counselor yesterday, which is part of an emotional health assessment I wanted to do this summer.

So, you might ask, “Since you have been so busy, what is so different about your sabbatical?”  The answer is that I have virtually no meetings or appointments and so I have much more margin in my schedule. That has given me the opportunity to have the right amount of spiritual and mental stimulus, coupled with a good amount of rest and refreshment.

It has been a good sabbatical so far.

As you think about it, please pray that I would be open and sensitive to what God wants to do in us during the remainder of the summer.


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