Saturday, September 14, 2024

God's Glory Seen In The Seasons

 I often enjoy praying through hymns. Recently, I have encountered several that address God's glory seen in creation. One in particular addressed a topic at the heart of many conversations I have had the past couple weeks about how it is beginning to feel more like Fall, a time of year I enjoy. I have also been reminded just how much I am thankful for the provision of diverse seasons at the hand of God. This hymn, written by Isaac Watts, the 18th c. British pastor and prolific hymn writer,  is titled, "With Songs and Honors Sounding Loud," and beautifully captures this. 

With songs and hon­ors sound­ing loud, Address the Lord on high;                                                               over the heav’ns He spreads His cloud, And wa­ters veil the sky.

He sends His show­ers of bless­ing down To cheer the plains be­low;                                                            He makes the grass the mount­ains crown, And corn in val­leys grow.

His stea­dy coun­sels change the face Of the de­clin­ing year;                                                                         He bids the sun cut short his race, And win­try days ap­pear.

His hoa­ry frost, His flee­cy snow, Descend and clothe the ground;                                                              The li­quid streams for­bear to flow, In icy fet­ters bound.

He sends His Word, and melts the snow, The fields no long­er mourn;                                                         He calls the warm­er gales to blow, And bids the spring re­turn.

The chang­ing wind, the fly­ing cloud, Obey His migh­ty Word:                                                                   With songs and hon­ors sound­ing loud, Praise ye the so­ver­eign Lord.

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